TV500 stuff


astv is a remote control for tv500 compatible tv cards. It does not actually handle displaying video, but instead is a remote control for the xavtv display program by Chris Bagwell. The latest version of xavtv is available here. If some features are not working, you might try getting my version of xavtv.c which may have a few enhancements not yet merged in by Chris Bagwell. I try to keep him updated with any bug-fixes or changes I make, but sometimes I may not be in sync with his latest version. The versions of astv (this name will more than likely change sometime after I figure out a better and more descriptive one) after v0.5 were written using Glade so you need GTK+ in order to compile it. Information on doing so is in the included README file. Previous versions required the xforms library available at

Source for astv v0.5.1 (12/21/1999).
Here's a few screenshots:

Source & binary for astv v0.5 (11/29/1999) (rewritten using Glade & GTK).
Source for astv v0.3 (2/19/1999).
Source for astv v0.2 (renamed from astv500) (2/18/1999).

Stuff below here is kinda old, but some of it may still be applicable, so I've left it on this page.


I can't get my TV500 card working in overlay mode with my S3 video card, so this software may or may not work in overlay mode. I am concentrating mainly on capturing both still-frame and video (eventually). The software currently saves the captured image in .ppm format. There is also a problem with the sync sometimes. The picture will be incomplete or will be shifted up/down and/or right/left. To capture an image, just move the tv window around or move the cursor inside the window. I know, this is hokey, but I'm still working on the program and don't have it updating automatically right now. For display in X, the program will use normal XPutImage or it can use the MIT Shared Memory Extensions and use XShmPutImage for faster updates. This is specified in the makefile currently with the current default being use Shm extensions.

Because this is built upon stv500-0.7, it incorporates the channel lists from that version. The program is currently set to use the vhf/uhf frequencies, if you wish to change this, go to line 51 of remote.c and change the variables assigned there. Eventually this will be an option under the Settings button.

Currently working features/buttons (there may be more).

Buttons in the X remote used for testing...

Source for stv500-0.7.1
stv500-0.7.1 Another screen capture of captured video
stv500-0.7.1 A captured image after converting from .ppm to .jpg